Okay, so I work from home full time as does Daddi Bear.
We have what is laughingly supposed to be a shared office. Hmmm. Which is why for the last 4 years I've been asking DB to clear it. In his line of work he has quite a lot of expensive equipment which has been all over the desk, the floor, the cupboard. You get the picture.
So for the last 2 to 3 weeks he's laughingly been clearing out - only because he's got a new computer and needed to set it up. Its been very slow progress hampered because DB hates to part with anything holey socks,anything.
Today he decides to clear out and comes downstairs to where I am laughingly try to work from my settee with my printer at my feet. Hell there is no space to put it upstairs in my half of the office. I'm doing some research so the other seat is fully occupied with notes, books etc. At which point he wants to dump 3 bags and a box of god knows what - I've not been able to get in that room for 4 years remember.
Wants me to stop what I'm doing because it is now convenient for him to clear out the room and when I ask him to not dump everything on the settee on top of the stuff I'm working on and to leave it on the kitchen table.
He throws a strop, he gets the hump, he is a man and I'm trying to stop him clearing out his office.
So in true male fashion he's stomped upstairs taking his bags sorry my rubbish that needs dealing with and is currently sulking in "his" office.
May be I should make him wait 4 years before I look in those bags ;-)
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